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Public Transit Accidents

Public Transit Accident Lawyer in Martinez, Rocklin, Lincoln & Santa Paula

Whether you are commuting by bus or putting your child on the school bus in the mornings, you are entrusting you or your child’s safety and well-being to the driver and the public transit company that employs them.  The last thing you would anticipate is an accident yet they happen on a regular basis.  The consequences of such an accident are emotionally, financially, and physically significant in most cases.  That’s why you’ll need an experienced lawyer from the BL Personal Injury Attorneys on your side.

What should I do?

Your first step is to seek immediate medical attention for you or your loved one.  Buses are commercial vehicles so the driver will call for medical help if you request it.  Be sure to insist on getting a complete medical evaluation including tests for back, head, neck, and spinal injuries.  Your next step would be to contact our firm and schedule a FREE consultation and discuss your circumstances with one of our experienced and reputable personal injury lawyers in Rocklin, Martinez, Santa Paula, and Lincoln.

Why do I need a Lawyer?

Since there are numerous regulations that apply to bus companies, government transit lines, and other common carriers, Public transit accident cases are oftentimes very complex.  Furthermore, there are statutes of limitations regarding the amount of time you have to file your personal injury claim with the BL Personal Injury Attorneys that apply to these types of cases, especially if the accident involves a government entity.  Hence the need to hire an experienced lawyer from our firm.

What Damages can I recover?

If you’ve recently sustained injuries in a public transit accident, you may be entitled to compensation under California’s personal injury laws.  An experienced lawyer from our firm can calculate the value of your case by determining what damages you’re entitled to.  Depending on the nature and extent of you or your loved ones’ injuries, you may be entitled to the following damages:

  • Attendant or life care expenses
  • Loss of consortium
  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Lost wages
  • Medical expenses
  • Pain and suffering
  • Punitive damages
  • Vocational rehabilitation
  • Wrongful death
  • Workers’ compensation (if injured on the job)

As you can see, there are numerous areas of personal injury law that we handle on a regular basis.  If you’re entitled to compensation for damages, and you most likely will be, we will strive to get you the maximum compensation allowable by law.  Most importantly, we’ll ensure that your rights to fair and reasonable compensation are protected.

Thus, as you can quickly see, it is in you or your loved one’s best interests to contact one of our experienced personal injury lawyers today.  Turning your case over to the BL Personal Injury Attorneys increases your chances of getting compensated for your injuries and ensuring that your rights are protected throughout the legal process.  Call us today and schedule your FREE consultation.